Friday, April 29, 2011

The end of another month

Tomorrow is the last day of April! One more month closer to our bebe being born, one more month closer to lots of happy things. We are still in Michigan spending time with Kyle's family. It has been a nice relaxing break! We don't really do a whole lot here, so I don't have any adventures to post on my blog. But I would like to write quickly about how much I love my family!! I am so thankful for each one of them, and for my sweet husband Kyle Ray. I am thankful for the blessing of the gospel, and for a loving father in heaven who takes care of all of us.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I sat down to write this blog post yesterday night but the computer I was using shut off on me in the middle of it two times in a row, and I didn't save a draft, so I'm going to give you the short version now because I'm sick of writing it all out.

1. Kyle was discharged from the USMC on March 21st.
2. We left Jacksonville, NC on March 22nd and will never return again.
3. We went to Washington, DC.
4. We met James Mesbur. Thank you Mezzie + his family for giving us a nice warm bed and delicious food!
5. We met GBG and Master Eric. Thank you also for a nice place to stay and yummy food!
6. We went to Palmyra, NY and saw several church history sights, it was lots of fun!!
7. We are in MI until May.
8. I am 23 weeks pregnant and things are going good.