(the above photo has nothing to do with this post - I just like this picture!!!!)
The PX Truck was supposed to arrive at Kyle's base the past few days, but so far - no such luck! I am disapointed, but I know it will come back soon enough and we will be able to spend a day together online, and I very much look forward to it. I just hope he is doing well and OK because I know it's probably just as frusterating for him that the 'internet' didn't come. I sent Kyle a package yesterday full of brownies and cakes in a jar, socks, and tuna. Delicious! I decorated the box with pictures of his two favorite Olympic Weightlifters - Dmitry Klokov and Illya somebody. I also put a picture of my favorite Olympic Weightlifter - Kyle Harrington himself!!! Speaking of my favorite Olympic Lifter, he is a video of him in action. I believe he is clean and jerking 275 lbs in this video. Can YOU lift 275lbs over your head? I didn't think so. I, for one, am impressed. Plus, that's not even the max he can do! He is talented.
Kyle doing a Clean and Jerk Here is a video of Kyle cleaning 300lbs. I believe it was one of his very first attempts, so he didn't get the jerk, but he was still very pleased. And as was I! Good Job, Kyle Bear. You are strong.
300LB Clean One more video of my love doing a 325LB front squat. He's got some strong legs!!
Kyle Front Squat 325LBS
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