Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Church History

Smith Family Farm house

Palmyra, NY.

The Sacred Grove,4945,104-1-3-4,00.html

Different Languages

The Book Of Mormon is translated into nearly every language, including ASL.

Printing Press

This is where the first copies of the Book Of Mormon were printed. All this work was done by hand. From the printing to the binding. Each letter was individually placed on a sheet, covered in ink, upside down and backwards, so that it would appear correctly on the pages.

An Original Copy

One of the prettiest looking books I've ever seen!

Kirtland Temple

The Kirtland Temple is owned by "The Community Of Christ".

Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo Temple

The Nauvoo Temple was burnt down after it was originally built. It was reconstructed to look exactly as it did before it burnt down.

Door in Liberty Jail

This door is original. There are 2 bullet holes in the door, one of which killed Hyrum Smith.

Outside view of Window

When Joseph Smith was shot, he fell through the top window.,10634,1811-1-1-1,00.html

Winter Quarters Temple

This is the only temple not named after the city it is in. There is a graveyard beside it where hundred of LDS pioneers were burried when they passed through here.,10634,1837-1-1-1,00.html

Seeing all the LDS Church History first hand was my favorite trip I have been on. When you see first hand, and hear some of the things those people had to go through, you realise alot! For example, how blessed we all are to live in a time where we can believe and think what we want without getting run out of our homes, beat up, or even killed. Especially in Palmyra, when we learned more about The Smith family, I really realised that Heavenly Father knows everyone individually, and he puts things, events, and other people, in our life for a purpose. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, but if we look close enough, there is always a reason. I gained a strong testimony during this trip of what the Gospel is really about.It is about doing the best you can do, being kind, sharing, and loving one another. I never want to tell someone what they think is wrong, because it's not. It's sort of like, if someone is doing a puzzle, and there are a few pieces that have not been put together yet - you don't tell them they've done the puzzle wrong, do you? No, because they haven't. There are just a few pieces missing.

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa I really like how you summorized this trip. It too has been a favorite of mine. You sure have a way with words!
